WooCommerce | Payment Express (PxPay) | Payment Module Copyright © 2012 All Rights Reserved Created by: OPMC (http://www.opmc.com.au) Support, Comments, Suggestions: support@opmc.com.au Last Updated: 8 February 2012 =========================================================================== INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE WOOCOMMERCE PAYMENT EXPRESS PLUGIN USING PX-PAY. =========================================================================== 1) Purchase and download the plugin zip file from http://www.woothemes.com 2) Contact Payment Express support for your PX Pay credentials, if you don't already have them. Payment Express may have issued you with another set of credentials originally, and these will not work with this plugin. So the one you need to ask them for is PxPay. Specifically you will need: -PxPay Access URL -PxPay User Id -Access Key 3) Login to your Wordpress Admin. Click on Plugins | Add New from the left hand menu. 4) Click on the "Upload" option, then click "Browse" to select the zip file from your computer. Once selected, press "OK" and press the "Install Now" button. Then Activate the plugin. 5) To configure the plugin, click on WooCommerce | Settings from the left hand menu, then the top tab "Payment Gateways". You should see "Payment Express" as an option in the list. 6) You should see "Payment Express" displayed across the top of the page as a link also. Click on this to configure the plugin, and you will see a list of options: -Tick to "Enable Payment Express". -The "Title" option allows you to determine what your customers will see this payment option displayed as. You might choose for this to be something like "Payment Express" or "Credit card" -The "Description" box allows you to set the description for the payment method on the payment page. -Access URL is the URL supplied to you by Payment Express. By default this is set already, however it may change in future with changes to Payment Express. -Access User Id is the User Id supplied by Payment Express. -Access Key is also supplied by Payment Express. -Currency is the currency of transactions. The currency is set to the currency of your online store, so please make sure you accept the currency.