=== Contact Form 7 Leads Tracking === Contributors: nablasol Plugin Name: Contact Form 7 Leads Tracking Plugin URI: http://www.wpshore.com/plugins Donate link: http://www.wpshore.com/services Tags: lead tracking, user info, user visit Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 3.6.1 Stable tag: 1.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Contact Form 7 Leads Tracking helps you track the user who filled out the form. == Description == Contact form 7 Leads Tracking is an addon module for the Contact Form 7 plugin. It helps you track the user who filled out the form. All you need to do is add a [tracking-info] shortcode to any outgoing email in contact form 7. The lead tracking info in this plugin includes: 1. **Form Page URL** The URL on which the user filled out the form. 1. **Original Referrer** The URL from which the user came to your site. 1. **Landing Page** The first page the user visited on your site. 1. **User IP** The IP address of the user who filled out the form. 1. **User Agent / Browser** The browser information of the user who filled the form. = Docs & Support = You can find [docs](http://www.wpshore.com/plugins/contact-form-7-leads-tracking/) = Recommended Plugins = The following are other recommended plugins by the author of Contact form 7 Leads Tracking: * [WPshore Breadcrumb](http://www.wpshore.com/plugins/wpshore-breadcrumb/) - With WPshore Breadcrumb, user can see where the current page is in relation to the website's hierarchy. == Installation == 1. Unzip the plugin file and extract the folder. 2. Upload the cf7_leads_tracking folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. 3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. == Screenshots == 1. A sample email with the tracking information generated by the plugin. == Changelog == = 1.0 = * First public release == Upgrade Notice == The current version of Contact Form 7 Leads Tracking requires WordPress 3.3 or higher. If you use older version of WordPress, you need to upgrade WordPress first.